PSDS Outreach

HIV Amongst Sex Workers & LGBTQI+ – JUDO South Africa


Judo South Africa initiated “Judo for Peace” program in 2017, coordinated by Roberto Orland who established the new dojos in refugee areas in South Africa. Judo South Africa is providing the opportunity to highlight the unique power of sport in supporting people and communities to overcome the challenges imposed by the pandemic and transmitting the educational values of sports to people of diversity.

Partners for Sustainable Development Solutions (PSDS) conducted an activity to create awareness amongst children in collaboration with JUDO South Africa in an effort to educate individuals on healthy living, Covid-19, and Gender-based Violence. PSDS reached out to seventeen beneficiaries between the ages of 7 to 19 years.

The event held at Ponto City began with an ice breaker “Know my name”. Beneficiaries introduced candidates before them and then themselves. This tested the children’s developmental intellect. Discussions on healthy living during the pandemic and gender-based violence were successful as the participants all contributed very actively and attentively. PSDS created a safe environment where these beneficiaries could explore how gender-based violence directly affects them and their peers. Under the topic of healthy living sub-topics on peer pressure, smoking, drinking, and healthy eating were covered.

“Hospital game” was the second activity in which the children were taught how hospitals operate on a daily basis. All children were assigned to different roles such as doctors nurses, clerks, and patients and performed their roles as if in a hospital.

The successful event closed with snacks and some refreshments. PSDS is pleased with the relationship created on this day and looks forward to similar events.