Working with Future Families

Future Families is a non-profit organization rendering quality services to orphans and vulnerable children and people infected with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. This is the reality of families infected and affected by HIV in South Africa, and it is by no means the optimal family environment for young children to develop into well-functioning young adults.

The organisation has care workers assigned to cases to familiarise themselves with the situation of new arrivals and home-based caregivers for the provision of services to chronically ill refugees and asylum seekers. Faith, from Future Families, shares that the organization also sensitizes relevant government officials on asylum/migrant issues while ensuring that children of migrants are not denied access to education regardless of their parents’ immigration status. In addition to that FF also supports South Africans, thus promoting social cohesion.

FF sub-contracted Partners for Sustainable Development Solutions (PSDS) to deliver the HIV/AIDS project targeting sex workers and the LGBTQI+ community within the refugee community. The project is being implemented in Gauteng and Free State. Refugees and asylum seekers often face significant stigmatisation and discrimination because of their immigration status and the common misconception that HIV prevalence is higher among refugees in host communities.

One of the objectives of the project is providing Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs), financial literacy, and entrepreneurial training to POCs living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV/AIDS and TB to sustain their long-term socio-economic well-being. The activities include providing capacity building to community leaders to facilitate local dialogue and strengthen community engagement on GBVF and HIV/AIDS-related activities.

To learn more about the organisation visit their website: